New Man-GH is a scientifically-based formula to provide the body with precursors to support healthy levels of Growth Hormone (GH) and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) along with neuromuscular optimization and cognitive enhancement.
Mediated by GH and IGF-1 enhancement, GHTX was formulated to:
• Increase Lean Body Mass and Muscle Power Output †
• Promote Anabolic Intervention †
• Enhance Rapid Recovery †
• Increase Lean Body Mass and Muscle Power Output †
• Promote Anabolic Intervention †
• Enhance Rapid Recovery †
Growth Hormone (GH) is an anabolic protein hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain and is responsible for the overall growth of the body (e.g., muscles and bones), fat breakdown, other metabolic effects and maintaining the immune system. After the age of 20 years, GH levels declines progressively and have been linked to many age-related changes including decreases in lean body mass, increases in abdominal body fat and thinning of the skin. GH stimulates the release of the hormone IGF-1 by the liver. The secreted IGF-1 then travels to tissues and is the key player in muscle growth.
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